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sometimes i did not know how to act about what I was did today. I feel tired I am about quit this job I want to change my life i wish have a good life i wish i have a good sleep time i wish i can stop from my bad behavior I wish i dont smoke cigarets i wish i dont shy i wish that I dont exist probably the life it is absulotely that the life still go on even without me and probably it'll be better change for some people around me also I apologize to people that give them hard time everytime they see me. I am sorry for being such a thing. i've been told that if I takes own life my family and many people will really miss me, I know that but why they miss me after i am gone and not the day when i still here. I just ... i just cant bear to live in this society. Fuck my eyes really tired and it wont let me to open i feel so tired and do you know what I've done when doing my work ? I messed up everything and I always late while doing it and I blame

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